Speed Up Recovery with Physiotherapy Before and After Surgery

Speed Up Recovery with Physiotherapy Before and After Surgery Jun10th 2022

Regardless of what angle you’re looking at it from, surgery can be a pretty unpleasant, traumatic ordeal for the body to go through. It’s usually reserved for situations where there are no other options. If surgery is a must, you may have already scheduled a post-operative physiotherapy visit with your doctor.

It is incredibly normal (and highly recommended!) to see a physiotherapist during rehabilitation. Without the aid of a physiotherapist, it can be impossible to get back up and move on your own. It also may be beneficial to see one prior to your surgery as well!

This is referred to as pre-habilitation” or “pre-hab.” Pre-hab is a method of consulting with your physiotherapist to brace your body for your upcoming surgery.

Pre-hab with a physiotherapist has been shown to minimize recovery time and improve the overall quality and result of the surgery. It’s essential, and something everybody can take advantage of!

Call us today to talk to a physiotherapist about pre-hab and how it can benefit you before your operation.

Rehab vs. pre-hab

What is pre-habilitation?

With the guidance of a professional physiotherapist, pre-hab can help you get a head start on your recovery. It may also improve the outcome of your procedure!

Pre-hab therapy aims to prepare your body for surgery by strengthening it. It also reduces pain and inflammation, making it easier for the surgeon to complete your procedure.

Think of pre-hab as an opportunity to “stock up” on your health for later. Even just having a few sessions with your therapist can set you up for better success after your surgery so that when you’re out of the game for a while after all is said and done, you’ll have more strength to draw on.

What is rehabilitation?

After undergoing surgery most people expect to be in pain afterward. This pain may cause you to avoid certain movements. You may need to limit how much you move for a period to ensure adequate recovery.

However, not moving frequently can lead to major difficulties in the long run. Inflammation and adhesions will occur in your body. To avoid these unfavorable consequences, you must move to some extent!

There should be no attempts at avoiding rehab after surgery. A physiotherapist may be able to help you learn how to move safely to keep adhesions from forming and combat inflammation. Physiotherapy also improves your strength so that you can return to your normal life quicker.

How will pre-hab benefit me?

Pre-hab is a simple idea to grasp, but has it been demonstrated to be effective? The answer is a resounding yes!

If you have a few pre-hab sessions, you can also get out of the hospital considerably faster after surgery. Patients who complete a physiotherapy pre-hab program are typically able to achieve the required discharge requirements faster than those who choose not to participate in pre-hab.

For example, take knee replacement surgery! Often, knee replacement patients may be released after walking a certain distance and ascending several sets of stairs. Patients who met with a physiotherapist prior to surgery may be able to fulfill these criteria much more easily than those who elect not to. It’s a good idea to talk to your doctor about a pre-hab plan if you’ve got a knee replacement (or another kind of operation) on the books.

What can I expect with a pre-hab plan?

Our office will make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists for you. From there, your physiotherapist will do a complete evaluation of your condition, review your medical history, and provide you with an activity plan to make sure you are successful before and after your surgery.

Anyone who has undergone surgery before may relate to the fact that the anticipation of the surgery can leave you feeling very nervous. However, pre-hab services may be able to put your worries to rest.

A pre-surgical recovery program can help not only to be physically prepared but also to be psychologically prepared for your imminent operation. This is a win-win scenario!

Call our physiotherapy clinic today

Please contact Blue Oak Physiotherapy today to learn more about your pre-hab choices. We’re here to make sure your surgery and recovery time is as quick and comfortable as possible!


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