Category: physical therapists

How to Improve Your Balance By Increasing Your Core Strength Mar10th 2022

How to Improve Your Balance By Increasing Your Core Strength

The relationship between core strength and balance is something that has been widely discussed within the physical therapy field for several years. Your trunk contains multiple core muscles that work to prevent physically limiting conditions, such as injuries, lower back pain, or balance and gait disorders. When your core is strong, it helps keep you

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Managing Life Around Stress-Related Headaches? We Can Help Nov20th 2021

Managing Life Around Stress-Related Headaches? We Can Help

Are You Living Life Around Stress-Related Headaches? We Can Help Stop Letting Your Headaches Control Your Life! Find Relief with Physiotherapy Are you planning your daily life around persistent tension or stress headaches? If so, you don’t have to live that way any longer. Tension headaches involve the sensation of a “band of pressure” around

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Are You Stretching Enough? Nov10th 2021

Are You Stretching Enough?

Discover the Benefits of Regular Stretching Are you aware of the importance of stretching? Stretching is an important part of your daily routine. If you don’t have a stretching regimen in place, you definitely need one! A good stretch is a perfect way to start your day no matter what age you are, or what

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